Thursday, March 3, 2011

The call - Pastor Curtis

I knew since the earliest day of my salvation that I had a call to preach the word.  But I never thought it would happen the way that this has worked out.
Some ten years  ago, I and others went to Word of Life and God spoke to me.  I knew that I must start Men’s ministries and I came back and talked to Pastor Tom who, in his wisdom, said “If God is in it, do it, and if it is of His will it will work”.  So I stepped out in faith that day and started.   God has blessed that work.  Not too long after that I was appointed as a Deacon, and through much prayer due to my past, (a divorce and a life of sinfulness) and after seeking God out on that stuff, I accepted and God blessed.
Now I’ve heard God speak once again, and it would be sin for me not to go to the calling in which He has called me. And this is the call as well as I remember it as it happened.
It was around one year or so ago during a sermon that was being preached by Pastor Tom.  I can’t even remember what was said from Tom. But I do know what I heard from God … “you are not doing everything that I’ve called you to.” I did not understand what was meant by that. So I kept on doing all the things that I knew to do and added some other Bible studies. Not long after that Pastor Bill was preaching and I heard God speak again the same thing “you are not doing all that I’ve called you to do.” So that night I went forward and told that to Bill.  I was in tears; the Spirit of God was heavy on me. What more can I do I thought? I cannot be a preacher.  I am divorced  man, so what more could I do. God would not let up, in my prayers, almost every move, and in most of the sermons that I heard, the message did not change. Till one day as I was traveling through the town of Caledonia.  I heard the voice of God  “my truth has no witness in this town.” And I said “so what. What can I do?”  Then I went to speak with Pastor Bill once more in his office and Scott was with me.  Bill asked “Have I thought about being a pastor?” I told Bill “I can’t, I’ve been  divorced.” Then we talked about the scripture and after examining the scriptures: 1st divorced before salvation and 2nd allowing the unbeliever to depart (1Cor7:15).  So then, sometime later, I was compelled to see the town once more. It was a rain soaked day just before Pastor Tom went to Africa. I came to his office and we talked.
He said “if God has called you to preach He has called people to listen, so put a add in the paper see what will happen.” So I did and got some responses. This brings us up to date.
We have started with prayer and now we meet with some families every Saturday night,  and are seeking for a place to meet in the town.
Pastor Paul asked me to explain what we want from the Church? I say we have need of nothing. God has not called me to ask for money or people. In making  that statement, I felt the need to explain one thing. Scott Main was not asked by me to come on this journey. God placed it on His heart, he is following God, not me. Other than that, I do not know if anyone else has been called by God to step out in this work. I do need your prayers and a chance to pick your brains for advice on all of the many things I have no idea of how to do. This is a walk of faith, I’m  just doing the thing that I know God has told me to do. There are more unanswered questions than I can ask. I am having a hard time just following God and trusting that He has everything in His control. Many times my head is spinning and doing all I can just to pray. This Saturday we will look at a building to see if God would have us to rent it or not. Need your prayers, nothing else. If God is willing, we will be passing out some tracts and hand outs in the town this Saturday also.
We love Open Door; we have been loved here.  It is not easy to think about leaving, but a step of faith we need to take.  We have been blessed by this church and each pastor.  We have learned so much here.  Now, we want to go and share the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love in Caledonia.  We covet your prayers.   We are forever grateful for them and for each one of you.
Your servant in Christ,


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